Article - Are NHL referees biased towards certain teams or home teams vs. away teams?
A research project using NHL API Live Feed json files from the 2010-2011 season until Jan. (incl.) of the 2017-2018 season.
I ran into an interesting website by Joshua Smith, and after reading some of the content and playing with the data I decided to look for some more detail. Using R (code) I downloaded the basic information I needed to analyze and visualize in Tableau Public.
After downloading all Game Summary files wit specific columns needed for my analysis I combined the files per season and cleaned them up in Excel (removing all repeating headers and a weird record at the end of the file). From there I loaded them in Google Cloud Storage, and used Google Big Query to union all files in to one (only Penalty events).
Things to look at:
- penalties per period / game
- penalties given to home or away team
- penalties given per referee(-combo) per team (favoritism?)
- when are the penalties called during the game?
- at what score are penalties called?
- penalty call locations
- penalties over season since 2010, per penalty type
- etc.
-to be continued-
Written on February 2, 2018